GSoC 2019: Chord Symbol Playback - Week 1

Posted 5 years ago

The previous week was a good week of development. I'm still in the process of understanding everything and planning things out for the future so there's still a lot of progress that is still waiting to be exposed as actual features.

So Far

I have accomplished what I mentioned last week and have basic chord symbol realization of just the root notes. This is something you can see here:

Week 1 Root Notes.gif

You'll also be able to see the remnants of the old message dialog here. It's not the nicest to look at, but it still holds some useful information for me as I am working on the project. Eventually this will be prettified when the core functionality is complete. The idea of this project is to make everything work and be well behaved first, then to make everything nice to look at. Again, most of the work for now will still be behind the scenes, but as the project matures and the foundation is complete, there will be more content that is presentable to users.

This Week

This week I hope to start working on a data structure to hold all of the information and prepare it for the playback system and for the chord realization tool. This should give us a lot more flexibility to add new functionality to this feature in the future. For the realization tool, the next thing to do is to put full chords rather than just single notes. For this week, it's going to just be throwing the notes as a chord onto the score since the focus is on putting chords on the score from chord symbols rather than the voicings and rhythms of the chord symbols.

Unfortunately this week is my dead week at school and so I will not be able to work as much as normal this week. That being said, the two items mentioned above are things I'd like to accomplish during this week.

Coming up in the near future

Options and direct playback! Once the data structure is "completed", we'll hopefully have a good foundation from which we can start playing around with different voicing algorithms. This will involve tests and will be the part of development that might deliver some more exciting and useful content! I'm excited to reach this next stage of development!

See you all next week!