Dynamics actions
permalink: https://musescore.org/en/node/335194
Provides the following actions, which can be set up with keyboard shortcuts:
- Assign a new dynamics to selected phrase (delete all symbols, then add one symbol at its beginning)
- Update dynamics of selected phrase (delete all symbols, then update the symbol at its beginning), add instrument level mf's if none
- Same as above but for each staff that contains a clef (hand / staff level symbol)
- Same as above but also make invisible
- Update each selected symbol, add a hand / staff level mf if none
- Clear all dynamics symbols in the selected phrase
Download musescore_dynamicsactions_20231125A.zip
Also check out Anchors for Dynamics and Hairpins plugin.

Download and Install: musescore 3 how-to
Enable plugins you need and setup shortcut: musescore 3 how-to
Note: Make sure the keyboard shortcut is not assigned in Preference>Shortcuts already.
Found a bug, have suggestions or just wanna give me thumbs up 👍? Use this forum thread
This plugin can be used in musescore 4 (musescore 4 how-to), but the symbols created do not create correct playback, because the plugin API required to add customized dynamics symbols has not been implemented yet / is unclear (musescore 4.2 Beta, 26th Nov 2023), feel free to [pitch in]((https://musescore.org/en/node/335193).
Old versions
musescore_dynamicsactions_20230223A.zip : bug displaying plugin name on musescore 4
Extra for developers
None. Do whatever you want, no need to ask for permission. Glad to share a link to your improved plugin on this page, just let me know.