Style général : Mesure

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Cette page affiche d'anciennes instructions pour MuseScore 2.
Pour les utilisateurs de MuseScore 4 Veuillez consulter Style général : Mesure.

Style → Général... → Mesure ouvre une fenêtre vous permettant d'ajuster la distance (l'espace) entre divers éléments dans une mesure.

General style Measure.png

Note : Lorsque vous étirez ou réduisez une mesure ou un groupe de mesures (contiguës), MuseScore optimise toujours l'apparence pour organiser les symboles en cohérence avec "les bonnes pratiques de la typographie musicale".

In other words, you may specify a certain amount of space between notes, but MuseScore will not apply your change in such a way as to make all notes perfectly equidistant—there will always be less space to the right of shorter notes than longer notes. In addition, elements attached to notes or rests such as fingerings, dynamics, lines, and so forth, will be moved along with the notes or rests they are anchored to when you make changes, so you need not worry about readjusting them separately.

Toutes les valeurs relatives à la largeur de la mesure et à l'espacement entre les notes sont des valeurs minimales. Les mesures sont automatiquement recalibrées pour, le cas échéant, intégrer les valeurs des deux marges.


Tous les paramètres dans cette fenêtre sont indexés à l'unité Espace de portée (abréviation esp.),
voir menu Mise en page → Paramètres de la page... → Échelle → Espace de portée

L'espace de portée est la distance entre deux lignes de portée.

Measuring using the staff space unit enables proportional scaling of everything in the score if you change the size of the staff. See Page settings: Staff space/scaling for more details.

  • Largeur minimale de la mesure : Sets the minimum horizontal length of measures. In measures containing very little content (e.g., a single whole note or whole measure rest), the measure will only shrink as far as this minimum.

  • Espacement (1 = étroit) : Condenses or expands the space after notes or rests. This setting thus affects not only space between notes but also between the last note and the ending barline. For the space between the beginning of the measure and the first note or rest, see Barline to note distance (below).
    Note : Changes to an individual measure's Stretch (under Layout → Increase Stretch, Decrease Stretch) are calculated after, and proportional to, the global Spacing setting.

  • Distance entre la barre de mesure et la note : Sets the distance between the barline which begins a measure and the first note or rest in that measure. For the initial measures of systems, which start with clefs instead of barlines, use Clef/key right margin (below).
    The following two options set the distance between barlines and specific elements that may come between a barline and the first note in a measure, independent of the Barline to note distance setting.

  • Distance entre la fioriture et la barre de mesure : Sets the distance between a barline and a grace note that occurs before the first actual note in a measure.

  • Distance entre la barre de mesure et l'altération accidentelle : Sets the distance between a barline and an accidental placed before the first note in a measure.

  • Distance entre la note et la barre de mesure :

  • Distance minimum entre les notes : Specifies the smallest amount of space MuseScore will allow after each note (depending on other factors, more space may be allowed).

  • Marge à gauche de la Clef :
    Sets the distance between the very beginning of each line and the clef. (This option is rarely needed.)

  • Marge à gauche de l'armure : Sets the distance between the key signature and the clef preceding it.

  • Marge à gauche de l'indication de mesure : Sets the distance between the time signature and the key signature or clef preceding it.

  • Marge à droite de la Clef ou de l'Armure : Sets the distance between the material at the beginning of each line (such as the clef and key signature) and the first note or rest of the first measure on the line. (Note that, although not named in the option, if a time signature is present, it is the element from which the spacing begins.)

  • Distance entre la Clef et la barre de mesure : Sets the distance between a barline and a clef change preceding it.

  • Marge des pauses multi-mesures : Distance entre le symbole de pause multi-mesures et les barres de mesure de chaque coté.

  • Épaisseur des lignes de portées : Sets the thickness of the lines of the staff, which allows you to make the staff thicker and darker, if you need greater visibility on your printouts.

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