Add comments to a score

MuseScore plugin to add comments to a score

With this plugin, you can save your comments about your score.
Launch the plugin, enter your text and that's all!
Don't forget to save your score.
At the next opening of your score, relaunch the plugin to read or modify your comments.

Your comments are saved in Score Properties, you can also read them in File > Score Properties

Use cases:

  • You are a composer and want to remember what you did last time you worked on this score and what you need to do next
  • You study a new piece and you want to remember what you learn
  • You are a teacher and you want to give instructions to your students
  • You collaborate on a score between several composers and you want to attach some text about the current state of the score

Download for MuseScore 2

Download for MuseScore 3

Download for MuseScore 4 (works in 3 too)


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