MuseScore 4.4.0 show error in loading a score by double-click from a folder with Korean in its name.

• 2024년 8월 30일 - 08:53


I updated MuseScore to 4.4.0 version today and found a new issue:
MuseScore 4.4.0 show error in loading a score by double-click from a folder with Korean in its name.

I put the captured image of the error attached.

The file is in folder c:\Users\shji6\Music\Alhambra\2024_사랑방\radetzkty_marsch (including Korean characters)

The file name is radetzky_marsch_shji.mscz

The same way to load MuseScore files from the same folder was working well before the update.


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Image1.jpg 28.83 KB


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