My Work Got Erased

• 30 Mei 2016 - 21:36

So I was making a piano when suddenly the MuseScore programm asked me "Save-Don't Save-Cancel". I clicked on "cancel" thinking "oh, cancel this action, I want to continue working on my sheet" and then suddenly everything what I hand't saved beforehand was erased. Is there anyway how I can get all that back???


Don't know whether you intended to post this in English or not, as you're in the Dutch subforum. "Cancel" should indeed just close that dialog and not change anything else, thus keeping the current score open as-is.

If you haven't closed the program yet, you could always try the undo command (Ctrl-Z)? Otherwise see Backup Files for where MuseScore saves backup files and/or auto-saves your scores; chances are you can recover one of those files.

Also update to the latest version (2.0.3) if you haven't yet, it contains a lot of bugfixes; including fixes for some cornercases leading to lost scores.

En indien je liever in het nederlands verder geholpen wordt, dan kan dat binnen dit forumgedeelte uiteraard ook :)

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