Lyrics above and below the staff

• 20 Nov 2012 - 16:06

I wonder whether it is possible to write lyrics both above and below the staff when there are 2 voices in a staff. At the moment lyrics are always placed below the staff. In some choir music with two staffs and 4 voices each voice may have his own lyrics and this is not very handy in MuseScore. So far I didn't find any acceptable workaround. Are there maybe any plans to improve this?


It is possibile to write lyrics above the staff, only not as logical as the down-staff-way.
You have to put the words by hand on the right places, above the right notes.
Make your text in the lyrics-way (below the staff) and click on them, They turn blue and you can drag them there where you want them to be.
You can do it quicker:
Go (again) to: 'Creeër' (dutch) - Text - Stafftext (notenbalktekst) - and click.
Then you can write your text above the staff.
Most easy way I think is:
Create your below-staf-text, then create in the same way, for the same place (note) your above-staff-text (you will see the mark under the first one) and drag this to above the staff.

Good luck,

Als antwoord op van gcvdberg

Hi George,
that's why I recommend the 3th way.
1. Make your lyrics below.
2. Then for the lyrics above, make them also below (same action).
3. Now you have two lines, below.
4. Drag the second line to 'above'
5. In this way (both lyrics-way) you can type and go to the next note(s) by spacing.
I also hope there will be an easier way soon.


Als antwoord op van karelmollen

Hi Frans, thanks again. I understand your suggestions 1 to 4. But when I want to continue with the upper text by spacing the cursor moves to the next note, but below again. That seems different from your point 5.
To make it even more complex: I made the arrangement with 4 staffs, each with one voice and with the lyrics below. Just for a better overview and to be able to control the volume of each voice. But when combining two voices in one staff you have to assign one voice to voice 1 and the other to voice 2. Then it may happen that green notes have blue lyrics and that sometimes words disappear!
I have to do the work with the possibilities available, such as staff text, and lyrics text with dragging.
Thank you.

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