import pdf in musescore 2.2.1

• 15 Apr 2020 - 10:12

How can I import a pdf file in musescorre 2.2.1 ?
I always get a message telling me that the file can only be opened with a later version of musescore.
Thanks for your reply.



The import PDF function is not provided by the software itself, but a web service run on That web service runs MuseScore3.

So if you wish to use that webservice, you'll need to run a version of MuseScore 3 to open the resulting score. If you for some reason then need that file in MS2 you can export a musicxml from MS3 and open that in MS2.

Any particular reason your still on 2.2.1 and not at least on 2.3.2, (also no longer supported but many bugfixes compared to your current version) or the actual current version 3.4.2?

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