I can't seem to find the triplet swing marking.

• 7 Mrt 2023 - 19:32

Hi I'm arranging a score for an amature Fanfare orchestra.
The score that I'm arranging requires some form of triplet swing. As I'm arranging for an amature orchestra it would be a little too clunky if I'd just write triplets.

So I went to look though the tempo pallet and found nothing. Then I went to take a look in the manual. I found that there was a triplet marking because it states so here: ' https://musescore.org/nl/node/329745 ' under: 'adding a swing or straight marking to your score'.

If anybody could tell me where I'd find this please do.
Also sorry for my terrible English. It is not my native tounge.


In dit gedeelte mag je gewoon nederlands schrijven :-)

Er is voor zover ik weet geen triplet-swing markering beschikbaar in de huidige versie van MuseScore (4.0.1). Maar neem eens een kijkje op deze howto waar je een afbeelding of de nodige symbooltekst kan vinden.

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