A simple plugin for MuseScore to prune notes from a chord stack selection.
- Download PruneStack on GitHub
- To install as a plugin for MuseScore, first close down MuseScore
- Then go to MuseScore's "plugin" folder - this is different on various operating systems, but on Windows it's typically something like " %HOMEPATH%\Documents\MuseScore2\Plugins" or " %HOMEPATH%\Documents\MuseScore3\Plugins"
- Next, copy the prunestack.qml file that you downloaded from above to the plugins folder.
- Restart MuseScore (MuseScore 2 only)
- Go to the Plugins > Plugin Manger menu item and check the "prunestack" item to enable it as a plugin within MuseScore.
Optional: create a keyboard shortcut of your choice to launch it quickly. For example: CTRL+ALT+P
API compatibility
Plugin categories
Composing tools
Notes & Rests
Code repository