Developer group chats

Updated 2 years ago


MuseScore's Discord Server:

Join the Discord server to get in touch with the developers or hang out with the contributor community!

If clicking the above link doesn't work as expected, try adding the invite manually within Discord.

Who can join?

You don't have to be a developer or contributor to join the Discord server: users are welcome to join too!

However, if you are having difficulty using MuseScore's software we would prefer you to ask for help in the Support Forum, where content is easily searchable—but you are welcome to share a link to your forum post in the Discord server's #support channel so people can find it quickly.

How to use the public channels

The Discord server has multiple channels for text and voice chat. You can join a channel by selecting it in the channel list on the left of the screen. The description at the top of each channel page will tell you what that channel is used for.

Available text channels

   #gsoc (Google Summer of Code)

Available voice channels

   🔈 Ensemble


You can pause notifications for a particular channel via the bell icon (🔔) in the top right of the channel page, or for the server as a whole by clicking on the server name "MuseScore" and choosing "Notification Settings". We recommend setting it to "Only @mentions" so that you will still be notified when somebody mentions you with @username.

When a channel has unread messages, its name will be highlighted in the channel list. You can disable this highlight for channels you don't care about by using the Mute Channel option, also available via the notifications bell icon (🔔), or by muting the server as a whole in "MuseScore" > "Notification Settings".

Voice channel instructions

Please wear headphones to avoid creating an echo for other users, or mute your microphone when you are not speaking. Ideally, do both!

You can also enable video in the voice chat or start screen sharing. During video calls, you will probably want to disable the option "Show non-video participants", which is available via a three dots menu in the top right.


The Grid / Focus button to the left of the three-dots menu is also useful.

Old platforms (deprecated)

The following are no longer in regular use for MuseScore development. They have been replaced by the Discord Server. Links to these groups have been removed to discourage people from joining.


  • Main development group chat

This chat was used for on-topic discussion of MuseScore development, and anything directly related to it.

  • Off-topic chat

This chat was used for off-topic 'water-cooler' discussion about anything and everything (save for MuseScore development discussions).

  • Translation chat

Was used to discuss the translation and localization of MuseScore.

  • Design chat

Was used to discuss changes to MuseScore's UI and notation rules.

Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

MuseScore used to use the #musescore channel on, but we left in 2019 due to excessive spam. After the events of May 2021, Freenode has since been abandoned by many major open source projects that were previously using it.

IRC Management

If you have op rights:

  • please connect using a secured connection.
  • please do not stay op for long time

Useful commands

Get channel info
/msg chanserv INFO #musescore

Get temporary op
/msg chanserv OP #musescore

Give op rights to username
/msg chanserv ACCESS #musescore add username +o

Ban username with bad connection (it will redirect him to #fix_your_connection a special channel with instructions how to fix it)
/mode #musescore +b username!@$##fix_your_connection

Remove chanop status from username (do this for yourself when done)
/mode #musescore -o username

List ops
/msg chanserv ACCESS #musescore list

Display current topic
/topic #musescore

Change channel topic
/topic #musescore [new content here]

Change channel entry message
/msg ChanServ SET #musescore ENTRYMSG [message]