Score Statistics

This plugin lists some statistics about the current score; data can also be saved in a .CSV file.


Score Statistics has been tested with MuseScore 0.9.6 beta2.
It should work with later versions.
It may work with version 0.9.6 beta 1.
It does not work with version 0.9.5.


  • Extract the files in the "plugins" sub-folder of the main folder where your copy of MuseScore is installed in. This creates a "scorestats" sub-folder of the "plugins" folder.
  • Start or re-start MuseScore.
  • Read the documentation! (file plugins/scorestats/

Once run, Statistics creates a configuration file, pluginScorestats.ini, in the
following folder:

Windows: %APP_DATA%\MusE
Linux & Mac OS X: $HOME/.config/MusE/

Current version

Current version is 0.4 and is available from the link at the bottom of this page.

Known limitations

  • Tied notes are not taken into account yet: each note is considered an independent note and accounted as such.


Issue Tracker

API compatibility
Plugin categories
Composing tools