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This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 3.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Tremolo.

Tremolo is the rapid repetition of one note or chord, or a rapid alternation between two notes or chords. One-note and two-note tremolo symbols can be found in the Tremolo palette in the advanced workspace, trem. text marking see Articulation Text (Mid-staff sound change)

Tremolo palette

A one-note or one-chord tremolo is indicated by strokes through the stem of the note or chord (or above/below if a whole note). E.g.

In a two-note or two-chord tremolo, bars are drawn between the notes. E.g.

Tremolo symbols are also used to notate drum rolls.

Add a Tremolo

Single note/chord tremolo

  1. If a single note, select that note; if a chord, select any note in the chord;
  2. Click the desired symbol in the Tremolo palette (double-click in versions prior to 3.4).

Alternatively, you can drag the tremolo symbol onto the applicable note.

Two note/chord tremolo

  1. Input the notes at half the desired final duration;
  2. If a single note, select the first note of the pair; if a chord, select any note from the first chord;
  3. Click the desired symbol in the Tremolo palette (double-click in versions prior to 3.4).

Alternatively, you can drag the tremolo symbol onto the applicable note.

Example: To enter a two-note tremolo with the duration of a half note (minim), enter two normal quarter notes (crotchets). After applying a tremolo symbol to the first note, the note values automatically double to half notes.

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