Adding a new page

• Dez 4, 2024 - 14:14

Hi there.
I am trying to add a new page on my project but I am by all means not capable of doing it.
Is it possible to someone to help me with this matter?

Thanks a lot,


Two ways to add a new page:

1) Just like a word processor, keep entering measures and fill them with notes. MuseScore will simply go on to the next page when the first is full.
2) If you want to go to a new page before the first is full, you can use the Page Break tool from the Layout palette. The icon is a piece of paper with the top right corner folded down. By default, it's the second icon on the Layout palette but you may have moved it for some reason (not realizing what it was).

In reply to by catarinarita4

You wrote:
I honestly don't know how I am supposed to add notes if I don't have the place for it...

Notes are entered into empty measures. If you run out of empty measures, use menu item: Add > Measures > Insert at end of score.
As you start filling those empty measures with notes, they will expand - automatically creating a new page when necessary.
When done entering all the notes, if you have extra empty measures left over, they can be deleted (using Ctrl+Del).

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