Viewing and navigation

Updated 1 year ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 3.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Viewing and navigation.

    This chapter describes the options available in the View Menu, and in the Zoom and Page View/Continuous View menus (located in the toolbar above the score). It also details the various navigation commands and functions.

    View menu

    Show sidebars/panels

    Zoom in/out

    There are several ways to zoom the score in or out:

    • Keyboard shortcut:

      • Zoom In: Ctrl++ (Mac: Cmd ++)
      • Zoom Out: Ctrl +- (Mac: Cmd +-).
    • View menu:

      • Zoom In: ViewZoom In
      • Zoom Out: ViewZoom Out.
    • Mouse

      • Zoom In: Scroll up with the mouse wheel while holding down Ctrl (Mac: Cmd)
      • Zoom Out: Scroll down with the mouse wheel while holding down Ctrl (Mac: Cmd).
    • Drop-down menu: To set a specific zoom, use the dropdown menu in the standard toolbar to set the view magnification of the score (25–1600 %) or display it using the options "Page Width", "Whole Page", or "Two Pages".

      You may type a custom zoom % into the dropdown field if your desired zoom level isn't available by default.

    • To return to 100% zoom: Use the shortcut Ctrl+0 (Mac: Cmd+0).


    The Toolbar area is located between the Menu bar and the document window.

    Toolbar area

    It contains the following toolbars:

    • File Operations: New score, Load score, Save, Print, Undo, Redo.
    • Zoom/Page View.
    • Playback controls: Enable MIDI, Rewind, Play/Stop, Loop, Play Repeats, Metronome.
    • Concert Pitch: Displays score in written or concert (sounding) pitch.
    • Image Capture: Allows you to take a snapshot of part of the score.
    • Note Input: Note entry mode, Duration, Tie, Rest, Accidentals, Flip stem direction, Voice (1, 2, 3, 4).
    Show/hide toolbars

    To show or hide certain toolbars:

    • Select ViewToolbars, and tick/untick the options as required.
    • Alternatively, right-click on an empty space in the toolbar area, or the title bar of the Inspector, and, from the menu, check or uncheck the required options.

    Note: This option also allows you to show or hide the Timeline, Score Comparison Tool, Script Recorder, Piano Keyboard, Selection Filter, and Drumset Tools.

    Customize toolbar area
    • Select ViewToolbars, and click on "Customize Toolbars…"

      Customize toolbars dialog

    The dialog shows the toolbars that can be customized on the left, the current tool buttons for the selected toolbar in the middle, and the buttons that can be added on the right. When you have selected a toolbar in the left panel, you can do any of the following actions:

    • Remove a toolbutton: Select the button in the middle panel, and press .
    • Add a toolbutton: Select the button in the right panel, and press .
    • Move a toolbutton: Select the button in the middle panel, and move it up or down using or .

    Note: The toolbar cannot be customized unless a custom workspace is selected (see below).


    Select this option to create a custom workspace or to edit an existing workspace.

    Show Status bar

    The Status bar, at the bottom of the screen, gives information about selected score elements. Tick/untick this option to display or hide.

    Split display

    It is possible to split the document display so as to view two documents at once, or to view two different parts of the same document. Tabs allow you to choose which document to display in each view. You can drag the barrier separating the two scores to adjust the amount of space in the window devoted to each:

    • Documents Side by Side: Divides the window vertically into two score views.
    • Documents Stacked: Divides the window horizontally into two score views, one above the other.

    Split display

    Visibility options

    This section allows you to display or hide various non-printing elements:

    • Show Invisible: View/hide elements that have been made invisible for printing and export. If this option is ticked, invisible elements are shown in the score window as light gray.
    • Show Unprintable: View/hide breaks and spacer symbols.
    • Show Frames: View/hide the dotted outlines of frames.
    • Show Page Margins: View/hide Page Margins.

    Mark irregular measures

    A plus sign or minus sign at the top right of a measure indicates that its duration differs from that set by the time signature.

    Full screen

    Full Screen mode expands MuseScore to fill your screen so more content is visible.

    Page/Continuous View

    You can switch between different views of the score using the drop-down list in the toolbar area:

    Viewing Modes

    To scroll the score:

    • Vertically: Move the mouse wheel up or down.
    • Horizontally: Press Shift and move the mouse wheel up or down.

    Page View

    In Page View, the score is formatted as it will appear when printed or exported as a PDF or image file: that is, page by page, with margins. MuseScore applies system (line) and page breaks automatically, according to the settings made in Page settings and Style…. In addition, you can apply your own system (line), page or section breaks.

    To choose between horizontal or vertical page scrolling, see Preferences: Canvas (Scroll pages).

    Continuous View

    In Continuous View, the score is shown as one unbroken system. Even if the starting point is not in view, measure numbers, instrument names, clefs, time and key signatures will always be displayed on the left of the window.

    Note: Because the layout is simpler, MuseScore may perform faster in Continuous View than Page View.

    Single Page View

    In Single Page View the score is shown as a single page with a header but no margins, and with an infinite page height. System (line) breaks are added automatically, according to the settings made in Page settings and Style…. In addition, you can apply your own system (line) or section breaks.

    Side panels

    The workspaces, Inspector and Selection filter are conveniently displayed as side panels to the left and right of the score window. To undock a side panel use one of the following methods:

    • Drag the panel;
    • Click on the double chevron at the top of the panel;
    • Double-click in the title area at the top of the panel.

    To dock a panel use one of the following procedures:

    • Drag the panel to the top/bottom of an existing side panel and it will stack vertically above/below that panel.
    • Drag the panel to the middle of an existing side panel and it will overlay that panel. Both panels can then be accessed by tabs.

    Alternatively, double-clicking the title bar of the panel will restore it to its previously docked position.

    Various commands are available to help you navigate more easily through the score. These are listed under Keyboard shortcuts: Navigation.

    The Navigator is an optional panel which displays page thumbnails of the score at the bottom or to the right of the document window.

    • To view or hide the Navigator, select ViewNavigator; or use a customized shortcut.


    The Navigator appears at the bottom of the document window if scrolling pages horizontally; or on the right if scrolling pages vertically (see Preferences: Canvas).

    The blue box represents the area of the score that is currently visible in the document window: drag the box, or click directly on the navigator panel to bring another part of the score into view. You can also drag the scrollbar.


    The Timeline panel provides a detailed overview of the score, with expanded possibilities for navigation and interaction.

    • To display the Timeline, press F12; or select ViewTimeline.

    For details, see Timeline.

    Find / Go to

    The Find / Go to function allows you to speedily navigate to a specific measure, rehearsal mark or page number in the score:

    1. Press Ctrl+F (Mac: Cmd+F), or select EditFind. This opens the Find (or Go to) bar at the bottom of the workspace.
    2. Use one of the following options:

      • To go to a numbered measure: enter the measure number (counting every measure, starting with 1, irrespective of pickup measures, section breaks or manual changes to measure number offsets).
      • To go to a numbered page: enter the page number using the format pXX (where XX is the page number).
      • To go to a numerical rehearsal mark: enter the number using the format rXX (where XX is the name of the rehearsal mark).
      • To go to a rehearsal mark starting with a letter: enter the name of the rehearsal mark (the search is case insensitive).

      N.B.: It is best to avoid naming rehearsal marks with the single letters "R", "r", "P", "p", or one of these letters with an integer (e.g. "R1" or "p3"), as this can confuse the search algorithm.

    Note: The "Pan score automatically" toolbar button must be enabled for the Find command to be able to reposition the score view to the correct location.

    See also

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