A suggestion to the accessibility team

• May 29, 2024 - 23:01

Hello. I am a visually impaired user who uses Muse score. I'm having problems adding some note marks. For example, dotted notes. Since the screen reader does not speak anything when I press the shortcut keys when I want to add or add signs such as staccato syllable bond or extension bond, I cannot understand whether the feature is actually active or not. At least, if an expression such as Dot sign stakato or Syllable bond is enabled or disabled is written when the key is pressed, it will be more understandable and easier for visually impaired users.


I looked at what the Status Bar reports when I click on a note with a staccato, and I found that the staccato is expressed as a start and end point in "per thousand" terms.

So without a staccato, the note Duration is reported as:
Duration: Crotchet / Quarter
After adding a staccato, the note Duration is reported as:
Duration: Crotchet / Quarter (on 0/1000 off 500/1000)

Can you get this Status Bar information from your screen reader?

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