Dấu nối

Updated 1 year ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 2.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Dấu nối.

A tie is a curved line between two notes of the same pitch. If you want a curved line that spans multiple pitches, see Slur.

First method

Select first note:

First note selected

+ creates a tie:

Slur to adjacent note

(+ or the tie button, tie_button.png , located on the top to the right of the notes in the note input toolbar)

Second method

To create ties during note input, press + after the first note of the tie.

Tied chords

To add ties between two chords, select the stem of the first chord, or Shift + click on the first chord and press +. Note input mode must not be enabled.

X flips the direction of a selected tie.

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