
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 3.
For MuseScore 4 users, see 在Chromebook上安装.


MuseScore可以运行在Chrome OS的Linux容器(又叫Crostini)里。There is a special procedure you can use to install MuseScore on a Chromebook if you are not already comfortable with running Linux apps. See the article Install MuseScore on Chromebook for more information. You can also get a special build of MuseScore 3 for ARM processors via that link (the official builds are only for Intel).

Alternatively, if you prefer to use the plain Linux commands, follow the steps described in the video linked below:

  1. Install Linux Virtual Machine called Crostini. Go to Settings > Linux > Turn On
  2. Download Musescore AppImage package
  3. Configure AppImage to run. Set chmod +x for the AppImage file
  4. Run AppImage with ./ followed by the Musescore package file name
  5. Install required libraries if necessary, e.g.:
    • sudo apt-get install libvorbisfile3
    • sudo apt-get install libnss3
  6. Install AppImage (using the install command line option) to avoid running it from Linux command line each time
  7. Enjoy!

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