Using sections for multiple movements or songs



A section break is used to divide a score into separate sections, such as might be required in a musical suite, for example.

In the following score example, there is a section break at the end of the first system, followed by a text frame providing the title of the next movement.



A section break has the following features:

  • The measure after the point of application is forced to start a new system (like a system break)
  • An adjustable playback pause between movements
  • An option to restart measure numbering
  • An option to display long instrument names (as you might at the start of a piece).

These options are detailed in Section break properties (below).

Time and key signatures

If the beginning of a new section is accompanied by a change of time or key signatures, there will be no courtesy signature at the end of the previous section.

Adding section breaks

To add a section break, select a measure, barline (or any element within the measure), then click the Section break icon in the Layout palette. You can substitute the latter action with a custom shortcut if desired (see Preferences: Shortcuts).

Section break properties

The following properties of section breaks are adjustable from the Section break part of the Properties panel:


To adjust the playback pause after a section break: select the break and edit “Pause before new section starts”.

Instrument names

To display the long intrument names on the first system after a section break: select the break and make sure that “Start new section with long instrument names” is checked.

Bar numbers

To restart measure numbering after a section break: select the break and make sure that “Reset bar numbers for new section” is checked.

Additional settings for measure number display are available in the Measure properties dialog.