
此譯文已過時,請參考英文版: Handbook for MuseScore 2

這份手冊適用於MuseScore 2.0及以上的版本,由MuseScore社區進行維護。了解你能如何幫助我們


本章將協助你進行第一次的安裝及執行 MuseScore,同時也將教你如何創建一份新樂譜。


上一章 →"入門" 介紹了如何 安裝 和如何 創建一份新樂譜。本章節將概觀介紹 MuseScore 及樂譜的基本操作。


In the previous →"Basics" chapter you learn how to enter notes and interact with the palette. The "Notation" chapter describes the different types of notation in more detail, including more advanced music notation.

See also →Advanced topics further down and →Basics further up

Sound and playback

MuseScore has "Sound and playback" capabilities built-in. This chapter covers the playback controls and ways to extend the instrument sounds beyond the built-in piano sound.


The previous chapter covers text that affects playback tempo, but there are many other types of text available in MuseScore: lyrics, chord symbols, dynamic markings, fingering, heading, rehearsal marks, plus many more. These are all accessible from the main menu via AddText.

For short generic text, use staff or system text. The difference between these two texts is whether you want it to apply to a single staff, or to the whole system. This distinction can be clear when extracting parts.


Advanced topics

New features in MuseScore 2.0

For an overview about the new features, see What's New in MuseScore 2, MuseScore 2.0 Release Notes and Changes for MuseScore 2.0.
Documentation of new features are available in the chapter they belong to logically (except the one that is referring to upgrading from 1.3 to 2.0) , but for users coming from 1.x here's a collection of links to be able to see at a glance what can be done now...


This chapter describes how to find help using MuseScore: the best places to look, the best way to ask a question on the forums, and tips for reporting a bug.
