Move note up/down to next staff

• Aug 9, 2018 - 08:48


Is there a shortcut to move this note from piano bass to treble?


And is there a shortcut to move select staff above/below?


The is no way to move a single note from one chord to a chord in another staff. If the note is not part of a chord you can use cross-staff notation (ctrl+shift+arrow) to move the note (or an entire chord) to the other staff.

On the last comment, if you mean you want to extend the selection from one staff to include an adjacent staff then shift+arrow extends the selection one staff at a time.

In reply to by mike320

I'm wondering if it's possible to add some flexibility to the split point of grand staff instruments. As a brass player, I often don't get the keyboard parts right first time around.

In other instances, as when I import midi files, I often get some crazy cross-staff notation. So far, it seems the only solution in such cases is to fix (re-enter) each note that is in the wrong staff.

Notator had a wonderful feature called Flexible Split Point, with which you could draw a curved line on your score to divide notes between staves. (You could also toggle single/split staves with a single key.)


In reply to by toffle

In theory, the split function during MIDI import is already far more sophisticated than that - it's a flexible split point that is chosen automatically based on some almost AI-like heuristics. Although I agree the Notator function was cool and it could be nice someday to have something like that in MsueScore as well for fixup of MIDI import. Just a matter of priorities...

In general, it won't often be possible to move a note in this way, since there may not be a place to move it to (the destination chord may be a different duration, or there may indeed be no chord at all on that beat). So it will often require you to make a decision about how you want to handle the situation.

That said, it does seem like it could be useful in those cases where it happens to be obvious like here. Right now, there is a little trick to do the job using cut & paste:

  • click note you want to move
  • ctrl+x to cut
  • click note in destination chord
  • ctrl+shift+x to swap
  • ctrl+shift+x to swap again

To be honest, I'm not sure why this works - the second swpa really shouldn't do what it does since nothing is selected at that point, and indeed there do seem to be some glitches in this process sometimes. But anyhow, something you could consider.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Without the reliance upon the glitchy swap with clipboard function:

  • click the note you want to move
  • del to delete the note
  • click note in destination chord
  • Shift+letter A-G to add note
  • use Ctrl (Mac: Cmd) + up / down arrows to move note to correct octave as necessary
  • use up / down arrows to correct the note's pitch by a semitone

I do realise that this requires you to remember the letter name and accidental of the original note, but I think it should be manageable with only one thing remember. This should keep working even after the swap function has been fixed.

Also, this method can require one less action in most cases (when you don't need to move the note after input at all) ;-)

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