Musescore added extra beats

• Sep 8, 2011 - 21:30

Musescore crashed, and when I reopened the program and the piece, it had added 2 beats into the 4/4 measure for the part I was working on, and pushed the rest of the music into the next measure. The other parts are unchanged. I tried deleting the beats--won't do it--tried deleting the whole measure--still has 6 beats of rest--tried copying over it. Nothing works. (it also removed the triplet indications from a bunch of triplets and made them regular notes)
How can I fix this?
thanks for your help



insert some new measures, and write in them the correct measures, perhaps copying some scraps.
Then delete the remains of the rotten measures.

Go slow and take intermediate copies

Could you attach the score file to a comment so the developers can take a look at it? Also don't forget to mention your OS and MuseScore version.

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