Unable to change voice of tied notes

• Jan 28, 2017 - 10:20
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

Hello I would like to address a problem that seems to linger in the nightly build. I would usually work from Midi files to transcribe polyphonic pieces for keyboard. I would have to convert staves to different voices (for example voice 2) to have a cohesive layout. It would normally be sufficient to select a whole stave and convert all of them but MuseScore cannot convert notes with ties to a voice. I would have to manually remove each tie, change the voice and then apply the tie again. I would have to do this for every tied note in a piece - which seems unnecessary. Please help.

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There is a workaround. You must change the voice of the entire measures that have the tied notes in them. So if the tied note is in one measure, you only have to change 1 voice. If it crosses bars, you must exchange 2 full measures. If you are selecting entire lines of music, the exchange takes place in 2.0.3 & 2.1-dev.

It doesn't work the way you describe as a workaround in 2.0.x and most probably not in 2.1 either, not via pressing the voice 2 button. It does work, however, is using the menu Edit/Voices/Swap voice 1-2".

Thank you for your help. There is a separate issue with the voice exchange - trying exchange in one measure sometimes results in disturbing other measures.

Thank you again this will help me a lot.

Do yo mean when you exchange voices for a partial measure it creates rests in the rest of the score in voice 2? This happens in 2.0.3 & 2.1