Continue last session tries to open discarded score (regression)
Preliminaries: This bug relates to the "continue last session" option in the preferences (Edit > Preferences > General). Make sure you have this option selected before following the steps below.
- Create a new score, do not save it at any point
- File > Quit
- When it asks to save changes to the new score click discard
- Restart MuseScore
Expected result: The new score was never saved and eventually discarded. It's tab should not appear MuseScore opens in step 4 (above).
Actual result: A blank tab opens in the place of the discarded score.
This bug has existed in the prereleases for a while and probably dates to the same period as the Open Recent list bug.
Tested using r.1825 self-built (plus earlier revisions), Windows XP
fixed in rev. 1826
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
As per #1722: Continue last session tries to open discarded score (regression), I don't think it's fixed. I do have "continue last session" enabled in my preferences. If I start a new score, and quit with or without doing anything (and not saving my changes if asked), the next time I start MS I will get a tab with the unsaved score name and a blank (empty, no staves) workspace.
Mscore 1.0, Win7.
Forgot to re-open this one when I last posted to the topic. I can still duplicate the bug.
1.Create a new score, do not save it at any point
2.File > Quit
3.I do not get asked to save anything, MS just quits
4.Restart MuseScore
Expected result: The new score was never saved and eventually discarded. It's tab should not appear when MuseScore opens in step 4 (above).
Actual result: A tab exists called "untitled" in the place of the discarded score. No score actually exists.
Fixed in r4290 and r4291 in both trunk and branch
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.