Pedal markings

• Jul 18, 2013 - 00:34

I just started using Musescore. A lot of my pieces use piano, and the only piano marking option I see is under Lines. It always includes "Ped" before a line. Am I missing any other options or is this the only choice?

If that's the only choice, what have you guys been doing as work-arounds? I typically like the Ped / * option. Also lines with no "Ped" with the V in between.


In reply to by xavierjazz

Thanks Xavierjazz - that is a cool feature I never would have found.

My duh moment is that I didn't see the symbols under Create/Symbols. My "Ped" and * are there plain as day. I had looked at the window panels on the left where Symbols is also and didn't see much.

I'm guessing the V between pedal lines is not possible...

I have successfully done this, but it is exquisitely hard to do. It looks nice so it might be worth the effort. I haven't researched much, but I wonder if a custom line can be added to the "Lines" Menu? This would be the quickest way to reproduce this.

Attachment Size
Pedal Line Example.mscz 1.95 KB

In reply to by ajtabacco

I re-saved the in the correct format. The ʌ wasn't displaying correctly because the font was not set to Arial. I fixed it and it looks quite nice. BTW, the ʌ is called a "carrot" in IPA. It works the best out of any symbol I've seen to give the up-pedal marking. I will include a .mscz and a .png of the example this time. And yes, I know that 2.0 will have these pedal markings, but that isn't here just yet and this is a viable work around.

Attachment Size
Pedal Line Example.mscz 1.94 KB
Pedal Line Example-1.png 65.45 KB

In reply to by ajtabacco

Is there a way to do this that doesn't require me to fix them one by one? I was thinking select many + edit, but that only seems to affect just the one I right-click on.

In reply to by peronium

That is the problem I have, I cannot reproduce this quickly or efficiently. If a modified line could be added to the "Lines" menu, there wouldn't be a problem. By the way, I've downloaded nightly builds of musescore and the lines they offer aren't quite a fix. Lines they use to complete the up-pedal (the ʌ ) have a big 'ol PED before them. It's a mess and I hope they fix it. Check out the example 1 to see the dilemma. I have also included a slightly modified example 2 to display the lines correctly. What I did was just delete the text from the line under the lines properties menu of EACH line. This is also too time consuming.

Attachment Size
Pedal Line Example-1.png 56.52 KB
Pedal Line Example-2.png 52.72 KB

In reply to by ajtabacco

There are a lot of different standards for how pedal markings can be made. Using the "Ped" symbol is one of those standards - it's not a "mess" but one of the valid standard ways of doing things. You just apparently prefer one of the other standards that omits this symbol - as do I.

You can delete the symbol by right clicking and choosing "Line Properties".

Ideally, the customizable palette facility in 2.0 would allow you to add one of these customized lines. But when I tried it, even though I added a line that had the "Ped" removed, it was still present when added to the palette. I consider that a bug.

In reply to by peronium

That is the problem I have, I cannot reproduce this quickly or efficiently. If a modified line could be added to the "Lines" menu, there wouldn't be a problem. By the way, I've downloaded nightly builds of musescore and the lines they offer aren't quite a fix. Lines they use to complete the up-pedal (the ʌ ) have a big 'ol PED before them. It's a mess and I hope they fix it. Check out the example 1 to see the dilemma. I have also included a slightly modified example 2 to display the lines correctly. What I did was just delete the text from the line under the lines properties menu of EACH line. This is also too time consuming.

Attachment Size
Pedal Line Example-1.png 56.52 KB
Pedal Line Example-2.png 52.72 KB

In reply to by Shoichi

Crazy! Yes it works, although if I understand correctly, it's kind of cheating (you are creating an invalid symbol, correct?)

I think that the problem where simply deleting the full text does not work when you copy to the palette is related to #25245: Line property "Hook" not preserved on save/load, since I now see that if you delete the full text on the line in the score, it reappear when you save and reload. I will file an issue.

In reply to by ajtabacco

Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. Just one thing, is there a way to put the /\ at intervals of, say, two beats in a measure with more than two beats in it? Also, could you have the pedal be held down for more than one measure?

Yes, even in the current version (1.3) you can control the length of the pedal. See Line in the Handbook, but basically, double click to edit, then Shift+arrow to move the end point note by note.

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