Courtesy Key-change Not Showing

• Jul 2, 2018 - 05:39

Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at 2.11.10 pm.png
Awesome program. First time post.

Going from C# major to C major. 7 naturals not showing. Have checked 'generate courtesy key signature'

Just want it to show at end of bar 13 and also beginning of bar 14 then not displaying for rest of piece.

Also do not want it to affect playback or have to change sequential bars.



In reply to by TALLL PAUL

I tried that workaround as well, but found it difficult getting neat spacing between the custom key elements. Apparently it's not possible to edit a custom key, so i had to create another one. But indeed, it's a workaround.
BTW IME the courtesy key also appears when there are at least 2 bars in the system.

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