Mixer not sizing properly

• Dec 7, 2018 - 15:51
Reported version
S3 - Major

“Mixer” size and control Bug
Windows 10 Home HP pavilion Laptop

When I try to click the edges to resize sometimes it closes it out and will not reselect without restarting MuseScore 3 beta. The mixer panel seems to always be too large for the screen. Can’t see the bottom of the Mixer panel.

The Mixer will not resize when I am at 150%. It seems to partially work if I keep my screen size at 125%. However for my eye sight this is too small to work with.
Mixer Bug.docx


What is your screen resolution? We do require a certain minimum, but it isn't clear right now exactly what that will be for release, as the sizes of some of the dialogs is subject to further change..

I have the exact same issue on an 15inch laptop too: the resolution is 1920x1080. Even 140% works, but setting to 150% suddenly makes the dialog much larger.

Same for me on Linux Mate. The Mixer is always too large so I can't see the bottom part of it (screen size 1920x1080). What is the minimal proposed screen size for using Musescore? The sliders probably are designed for touch screen usage. They should scale properly at normal screens.
BTW: Questions to Windows users: What do you mean with a zoom of 150% or 125%? Is it a setting in Musescore or a Windows setting? In Musescore I can only find the possibility to zoom the score and that does not change any layout of the GUI.

Thanks for reading

BTW: Forgotten to mention: IMHO in the new GUI there is a lot of waste screen estate in parts of the panels like Mixer, Play-Panel, ... and e.g. I can reduce the size of the icons in the Settings dialog but it does not reduce the size of the upper bar for the Zoom and Page View buttons stay big with a lot of empty space around the percentage number.

Otherwise many thanks to the developers for their tireless work.


What do you mean with a zoom of 150% or 125%? Is it a setting in Musescore or a Windows setting It i a Windows/Screen setting
(screen size 1920x1080). What is the minimal proposed screen size for using Musescore? That is enough, at 100%

In reply to by [DELETED] 1601771

(Running Musesore 3.0.4 / Windows 10 Pro v 1803 on cheapish Dell laptop purchased new in 2018)

The scaling issue under Windows 10 at 1920x1080 applies throughout Musescore--but is most problematic with the mixer because of the mixer panel redesign. When the Windows scaling is changed, program and score text and graphics do not resize proportionally. The piano keyboard, for example, is 188 px high at 100% scaling, 187 px at 125% (one pixel shorter) and then 325 px high at 150%. Half again of 188 would be 282, not 325.

For the mixer, the greatly increased size at 150% means it doesn't fit, top to bottom, on a standard/commodity Windows laptop (13" or 14" screen) running at 1920x1080. The 150% scaling is recommended by Windows itself and is necessary for all but the sharpest-eyed users at that resolution on a screen of this size.