Repeat l.v. articulation

• Oct 24, 2022 - 16:15

Hello, everyone!

I'm composing a piece in which I want to be able to add more than one lasciare vibrare (l.v.) articulation to a chord, in order to get one symbol for each note (like shown in the image attached).
This is merely for presentation and editing purposes. I already used slurs with this intent in this piece's first version, but I'm now revising and re-editing it. This time, I would like to be able to always use the articulation symbol since its size is standardized, which means that none of its appearance and position in relation to its respective note would change while I am editing it (what would make the job a lot easier), besides that all of these symbols would look exactly the same throughout the whole piece.

Thank you all for your time!

Best regards,

 Tiago Simas


Best way to do this would be to add those symbols as fingerings (so they can be attached to individual notes), then use the Special Characters palette (press F2 while editing) to access the Unicode & musical symbols.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks, Marc! I believe that can work perfectly, I just need to now what's the default size and font of the articulation symbols, since the symbol can not be applied in text immediately with those features. Do you perhaps now what's the default size and font of these symbols?
Thank you in advance!

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