Musescore form for bug report should offer a link to github

• Oct 27, 2022 - 22:10

Musescore team prefers V4 bugs to be reported on github.
The issue tracker "New issue" form should show a link to github, certainly when the version selected in the drop down is 4.something


The prefer bugs during development run-ups (alpha/beta) to be reported on github.
But yes, a cross link at that form would be a nice to have.

In reply to by jeetee

It would also help to maybe shut down comments on the Announcement and consolidate them somewhere. There are at least four places where comments, questions, suggestions, and bugs are being reported.

Forum - Announcement
Forum - Support and Bug Requests
Forum? "Issues for Musescore". : This one is mentioned as an alternative to Github in the announcement.


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