If more of the same accidentals appear in one bar, only the first should show

• May 7, 2010 - 12:51
S5 - Suggestion

Hi, I'm using MuseScore 0.9.6 and I found that when I enter e.g. two g# (same octave) in one bar, they both show the sharp whereas only the first should show and the second should be hidden (unless a g natural or g flat is in between of course). This seems like a minor fix to me, so I hope this can be fixed soon.



If multiple occurrences of the same note are explicitly marked with an accidental, ALL should be shown, regardless of bars, today's rules and so on!

This is rather important in editions of ancient works, where the concept of bar is quite fuzzy and in many cases the best way is to retain (in some way) all existing accidentals and mark editorial additions and deletions.

Current Musescore follows today's practice by default (which is good for the majority of users, I believe) , but allows specific styles if needed. So, PLEASE do not change the current behaviour!

As I see it, the current behaviour is not a bug but a feature!



P.S.: toeter, if you want the second G as G sharp, raise it with the [UP] arrow and it will not show any accidental (being sharp per position).

ok. But in that case, I would expect that when I click the G line in, say, E major, a G# with no accidental showing, would appear, not a G natural. So still strange, not?

OK, I downloaded RC1/revision 3070 (on a windows vista machine) but the problem still exists. I attached a screenshot showing 3 bars: the first has two G# in it, no problem. The second has a G natural and a G# (plays back like a g#) that looks like it is a G natural (because the natural sign should still be valid, within one bar). The third bar shows two G naturals, that actually play back like two G naturals, but the second one shouldn't show the natural sign.

I would think that in the case of "bar 2", that after having entered a G natural and clicking the G line again, a G natural should be produced with no accidental showing.

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screenshot.jpg 130.25 KB

Yes, I understand, thank you. Still I believe that this is an error in Musescore that should be corrected, although there exists a workaround. When entering tonal music by mouse input this problem/inconvenience occurs quite often.

Oh well, I made some tests myself and I think toeter is right: there is something strange.

In the attached mini-score, measures 3-4 are the same as measures 1-2 and all notes (except the 2 Fnatural) have been entered by simply pressing the C-G keys, but the Fnatural in meas. 2 has been entered with the DOWN arrow, while the the Fnatural in meas. 4 by clicking on the "natural" button of the toolbar.


Measure 2:
[F] [DOWN] => Fnat THEN next [F] => Fsharp
Measure 4:
[F] [toolbar] => Fnat THEN next [F] => F (played as F sharp!).


1) In measure 4, text and play do not match: if the last F is assumed to be sharp, it should be shown as sharp OR if the natural is carried over, it should be played as natural.
2) Arrows and toolbar buttons behave quite differently; either this is intentional and should be made very clear in the docu or is a 'bug' and should be corrected.

Personally, I bend more on the former than on the latter.

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TestAccidentals.png 13.1 KB
TestAccidentals.mscz 1.79 KB