Meter changes do not work properly in 0.9.6.

• Jun 28, 2010 - 16:37
S4 - Minor

I'm writing a score with four meter changes (begins with 4/4, then switches to 12/8, then all once more a second time, then ends on 4/4).

Once inserted, the 4/4 time signatures cannot be deleted in order to place them in a different measure (ok for the first one, not OK for the others), whereas the 12/8 signatures can be deleted normally. Also, some notes are deleted when a new time signature is inserted into a bar and the following bars are already filled: the notes should be only shifted accordingly.

Saw this only after reloading the score, so it possibly doesn't happen the first time the meter changes are inserted.


Status (old) active needs info

4/4 times signatures delete just fine for me (0.9.6, Windows 7). Please give step by-step instructions to reproduce the problem that mention every item you click or drag starting from a new score.

Hello David,

sorry for the delay - I'm working on a friend's PC, so I had to be there to specify things exactly.

I'm using MuseScore 0.9.6 rev. 3145 with WinXP SP2 version of 2002.

I imported a MidiFile with only one track, all in 12/8. Then I decided to follow strictly the structure of the "official" song release, so I inserted an 8-measure rest at the beginning with 4/4 (intro), then the main verse in 12/8, then the chorus in 4/4, then another multimeasure rest in 12/8 for the middle instrumental and the verse reprise, then again the final chorus in 4/4.

It was necessary to rewrite many measures, since after changing from 12/8 to 4/4 some notes got lost.

After this, I corrected the placement of a couple of t. sig. to be better understandable, and it was here that I found that the "12/8" were deletable, but not so the "4/4".

I suspect that the multi-measure rests and/or the rewritten measures may hide the problem. I'll try to rewrite everything from scratch without importing the MIDI to see if this still happens.

Many thanks and all the best!

Status (old) needs info closed

There has been no further information (there's been versions since too), so I close this.

Please open another issue if you are still encountering problems.