Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Sort descending Priority Version Replies Last updated
Tie is not aligned correctly when using rythmic slash notation whole notes GitHub issue 4.0 4 1 year
[MusicXML] Swing marking playback info lost upon export/reimport GitHub issue 8 1 year
Navigation commands for Chord Symbols in MuseScore 4 GitHub issue 4.0 2 1 year
Disconnecting audio device / deactivating Bluetooth is able to kill MuseScore GitHub issue 4.0 6 1 year
Stretch seems to work with [brackets], not {braces} GitHub issue 4.0 6 1 year
Title edit bug, crash when using return on non-ASCII letters GitHub issue 4.0 24 8 months
MusicXML import problem - chords GitHub issue 4.0 5 1 year
Cursor in continuous view ends up hidden behind the ghost clef as score progresses GitHub issue 4.0 4 1 month
Tab key handling when creating a new score GitHub issue 4.0 2 1 year
Section break causes pause before repeats and jumps during playback GitHub issue P1 - High 67 1 year
Allow Cut / Copy / Paste of frames GitHub issue 3.5 6 6 months
PDF Export does not set the PDF "Author" Property GitHub issue 3.1 6 6 months
Track Names are not handed over to Mixer GitHub issue 4.0 10 2 months
Sharp and flat in Chord symbols GitHub issue 4.0 11 1 year
Re-implement the Album feature for Musecore 3/4 GitHub issue P1 - High 3.0 25 5 months
Instrument change causes wrong key signature GitHub issue 3.4 14 4 months
Add a "second time only" option (For repeats, not Volta) GitHub issue 47 6 months
Repeat last 2/4 measure not working properly in playback GitHub issue 4.0 3 1 year
Delay on opening Format- Style Option GitHub issue 4.0 5 9 months
Volume levels are low on playback GitHub issue 4.0 7 1 month
No Sound in clarinet high range GitHub issue 3.6 2 1 year
Yamaha XF MIDI FILE format export GitHub issue 3.6 2 1 year
[Musicxml export] - Composite articulations not exported GitHub issue 3.4 5 1 year
The loop playback doesn't play until the end of a measure of which the last "note/rest" is a rest GitHub issue 3.6 8 9 months
Count-in missing in menu/toolbar GitHub issue 4.0 12 2 months