Follow-up on the "short score" challenge

• Jan 20, 2010 - 19:42

A couple of days ago, I posted on the forum about a challenge to write a complex score with MuseScore. The score was a "condensed score" or "short score" with some weirdness like weird slurs, white notes with 16th beams, some challenging voicing, nested tuplets etc...

A couple of days later, a dozen of new bugs reports, and a few Werner's commits later, here is the score, almost finished, made with MuseScore (the SVN version) !

The ability to have different instrument names per system for a staff is still missing. A time signature change as well.
Some things can be more adjusted, slurs etc...

But the score features:

Challenge completion is close!

Attachment Size
nestedTuplet.jpg 5.53 KB
tremolo.jpg 11.11 KB
voice1.jpg 9.61 KB
voice2.jpg 20.69 KB
ex5.pdf 91.12 KB

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