New to MuseScore 0.9.5 (MS 0.9.5)

• Feb 25, 2010 - 12:03

MuseScore 0.9.5 on Windows XP SP2
The Handbook covers 0.9.4 & earlier, how do you select specific bars for deletion in 0.9.5, I can select all Ctr+A, but Ctr+Clic does nothing.

I suppose people new to MS will prefer some of the features of their previous notation software, I am coming from Capella 2000 and mainly copy out piano scores, I miss being able to set certain parameters before note entry, which persist until changed:

1 The working octave
2 The mode, single or chord

The note selection is more logical in Capella, Semibreve to Quaver 1 to 8 then (1/16) 6 (1/32) 3, It gets a bit messy after that, but can I suggest 0 for Breve, i.e. a Crotchet centric numbering.

Capella 2000 is great at the basics, but MuseScore promises more.

Many Thanks


Keep on with your habits or break them to be more/less productive is a vast debate. I don't know Capella, so I will not argue.

The handbook is normally up to date for 0.9.5 (and even for the next 0.9.6). To delete several measures in 0.9.5, you have to select them with Ctrl + Click and then press delete. See Measure operations .

If you use the keyboard to enter notes, MuseScore tries to be smart to select the right octave, if not you can press Ctrl + Up to go up one octave. For chords, use Shift + the name of the note.
See Note entry

If you really want to make musescore more like capella, you can try to change the shortcuts in Edit->Preferences->Shortcuts,
but really once you are used to them the defaults one are pretty fast.

Last point, if you have some capella scores, you may be able to open them in MuseScore. See the menu File->Open->File type

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I have been seeing ‘Measure operations’ all morning but Ctr+Click (left mouse) fails to illicit a dotted outline of the selected measure, while Ctr+A outlines all standard bars (i.e. not the pick up bar), and Delete does just that.

MS will open a Capella file (a bit like early OCR), but I wouldn’t want to do that. I am trying to write the score from scratch in MS as a learning exercise.

Re: Keep on with your habits or break them to be more/less productive, 1 setting the working octave is clear enough, 2 in Capella Insert toggles between chord and single mode so: Insert C E G Insert D F would give a chord containing CEG and single D and F (activated in each case by moving the curser on by right arrow). 10 key strokes in all.

In reply to by David Bolton

Still no luck, I tried turning off ‘Ctr+Click shows position of mouse pointer’ and ‘Autojump’ (in Windows Control Panel), can you have Ctr+Click doing one thing in OS (XP) and another in MuseScore at the same time? If not there should be more than one way to select the bars for deletion.

I’ll give it a rest for now pending the upcoming 0.9.6.

Thanks to those who replied.

In reply to by David Bolton

This is Windows XP on a laptop with Alps pointing devise. On a desktop (XP) in control panel go Mouse / Pointer Options, and select Snap To (aka Autojump) and Visibility/Show location of pointer. Ctr+Click gives bulls eye rings around the pointer.

I am in the UK, perhaps there are regional differences.

In reply to by pme127

Thanks for the instructions. I turned on "snap to" and "show location of pointer" but they didn't seem to interfere. Ctrl+Click works for me in MuseScore.

On my computer the "show location of pointer" bulls eye happens when I press and let go of Ctrl. A mouse click is not needed. In MuseScore I hold down Ctrl then click with the mouse on an empty part of the measure then release the Ctrl key. The dotted line appears when I click the mouse button, the bulls-eye effect appears after I release the Ctrl key at the very end.

In reply to by David Bolton

Oh dear! As I am copying out piano scores, the emptiest part of a measure is between the two staves (I’ve proved that doesn’t work), when I Ctr+leftClick a stave (either) I get the dotted selected box and Delete works fine.

I can only thank you for your dogged determination not to let this one get away, and suggest, out of interest, you have a look at Capella (you can download an evaluation copy) which writes sheet music like a word possessor, opening a new measure once the current one is full. It’s great for writing sheet music and playing it back ,but anything else is extra, very much extra, hence my interest in MuseScore.

I also have Sticky Keys set on XP, where combination key strokes ‘remember’ and release on the last key, but we needn’t get into that one now!

In reply to by pme127

"As I am copying out piano scores, the emptiest part of a measure is between the two staves"

Thanks for the feedback and sharing this insight. Click on an "empty part of the measure" is a tricky action to describe and often fiddly to perform (particularly if there are a lot of notes in the measure). MuseScore has been steadily moving away from requiring these sorts of actions (see copy and paste instructions of 0.9.3, Drag and drop of measure items , and of course Measure operations ).

If you notice any other actions in MuseScore that require you to click on "the empty part of a measure" please report them.

In reply to by David Bolton

Thanks again, I’ll follow your leads shortly. Right now I have two more topics arising from the thread.

1. I prefer to use keystrokes to mouse clicks wherever possible, as in Alt+F R Enter Up/Down Arrows Enter to open a recent file. This facility is far from universal in MuseScore, could we not have all actions Capitalized and Underlined as far as possible. Clicking is still an option, and a necessity in difficult situations. Then again difficult situations are best avoided than remedied. And as for selection of anything, what’s wrong with the universally accepted Shift+Right/Left Arrows?

2. Most apps allow you to set the number of recently opened files displayed at the bottom of the File menu (numbered and underlined). Setting none i.e. 0, clears the list.

I can’t find this facility in MuseScore, deleting the files in Windows Explorer merely leads to MuseScore opening a file with nothing on it.

Uninstalling MuseScore, removing all related files in Windows Explorer, and reinstalling MuseScore works, but a set number spinner would be more convenient, or better still Clear recent

In reply to by pme127

"could we not have all actions Capitalized and Underlined as far as possible."

The lack of Alt key letters on the menu items is a known accessibility issue. I can't change anything for the upcoming 0.9.6 since it is due for release very soon and changing the menu items actually means that the translators would have to re-translate all of them. I do have it in mind as something that needs work after 0.9.6 is released. (Update: I added a task to the issue tracker: #4781: Mnemonics for all menu items )

"And as for selection of anything, what’s wrong with the universally accepted Shift+Right/Left Arrows?"

Shift+Right and Shift+Left for selections work for me in MuseScore.

"2. Most apps allow you to set the number of recently opened files displayed at the bottom of the File menu (numbered and underlined). Setting none i.e. 0, clears the list...a set number spinner would be more convenient, or better still Clear recent"

Could you describe a scenario of when it would be important to clear the list of recent files?

In reply to by David Bolton

It’s my preference to keep everything ‘tidy’ (another ‘empty’ sort of word), and you wont be surprised to learn that my Recent list is full of disasters I want to get rid of.

More generally, I prefer to keep recent files to 1-5 really recent. It’s a Preference, people do have them!

Only now that I can delete measures can I start to experience MuseScore past the time signature. And again I mention the numbering of note values, In ¾ time 5 is counter intuitive for a Crochet, i.e. a ¼ note. As far as possible the number should match or have some relationship to the time signature, i.e. 6 for 1/16 3 for 1/32. With the most commonly used, both in time signatures and on the page, a direct match, and lesser used notes still numbered with some relevance to their value. This is not a preference, it’s basic.

Thanks again.

In reply to by pme127

I understand your point of view about numbering of note values. But as I said it's just a matter of getting used to it.
Sibelius, Finale and MuseScore users are used to increasing numbers according to notes lenght and don't find it counter intuitive. I'm not sure a new user find this disturbing. Capella users are not used to this but you can change the preferences if you want.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thanks lasconic
“you can try to change the shortcuts in Edit->Preferences->Shortcuts”

I will but does that ‘try’ foresee conflicts with already set short cuts?

“but really once you are used to them the defaults one are pretty fast”

They are, it’s called Operant Conditioning, and it’s still not natural.

Note David Bolton
“Shift+Right and Shift+Left for selections work for me in MuseScore”

I was still clicking between staves and trying to highlight multiple barlines for deletion at that point. It works fine for me in the staves.

Thanks for all your time, I will now get some serious MuseScore experience.

In reply to by pme127

Maybe it's more natural for me as a french speaker. In french we don't use number in note duration names (noire, blanche, croche, double croche) so there is no link between 3 and a 32nd note but the link "note duration increases with key numbers" looks more universal. So I guess it's more than just Operant Conditioning.
The only way to find out would be to have a lot of blank minds to test all around the world :)

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Yes! I was already thinking of using note names instead, Q C M etc, but they may not be universal, and menu lists with a different leading underlined capital letter for each choice is difficult in one language, never mind all.

It may be inevitable with a universal software package, that the only way to increase elegance is to set personal shortcuts, but at ‘0.9.5’ there’s still a long way to go.

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