Indicacions de compàs

Updated 14 years ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 1.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Indicacions de compàs.

Time signatures are available in the main palette sidebar. You can drag and drop the times signatures onto the score (see palette for general information on working with palettes in MuseScore).

Time Signature sidebar palette

If you need a time signature not found in the sidebar palette then go to CreateTime... to create your own. You can edit the upper and lower numbers in the Create Time Signature pane.

In most cases you'll only need to edit the first of the upper numbers. The additional upper numbers are for additive meters which contain multiple upper numbers separated by a plus sign.

Create new time signatures

Pickup measures

There are occasions when the actual duration of a measure is different from the duration specified by the time signature. Pickup measures are a common example. To change the actual duration of a measure without displaying a different time signature see the Properties section of measure operations .