MIDI input/playback on Clavinova

• Dec 1, 2010 - 03:55

Hey, all. I'm running MuseScore v0.9.6, Revision 2613, on Ubuntu 10.04. I'm trying to connect a Yamaha Clavinova CLP-970 via MIDI to USB conversion cable. This cable has served me well enough when using Finale in Windows and I've also managed to get playback through it using Rosegarden. I have not quite figured out how to get proper input from the Clavinova in MuseScore, and I can't even tell if it's set up correctly to do playback to the Clavinova. Anyone have any success with a similar set up? I'm trying really hard to make this work for the wife so I don't have to install Windows again.


First you should upgrade to MuseScore (or at least on Ubuntu 10.04) See [[nodetitle:Download]] .
Then there is now way of inputing and outputing MIDI at the same time. If you go to Edit -> Preferences-> I/O. Can you select your keyboard in "Choose portmidi input" ?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I managed to install, but the I/O tab in Preferences doesn't look any different from before and does not have a "Choose portmidi input" option. What I do see are two radio buttons for "Use JACK MIDI output" and "Use internal synthesizer". Under the second there are check boxes for "JACK Audio Server", "ALSA Audio" and "Portaudio". By default the ALSA option is selected and I am able to produce synthesized voices. I have tried any and all of these alternative options, but to no avail. When I open JACK and look at connections, all are listed under ALSA, none under MIDI.

Incidentally, I have managed to get the Clavinova to work for MIDI input. I just needed to change a setting on the piano for that. I'm just still having issues getting MuseScore to play back using the Clavinova.

Oh Oh

could you give the reference of this cable. I have an old keyboard which worked with a joystick serial adapter on a win98 laptop.
I'm now with a "without serial port" modern laptop, Ubuntu 10.04, and would appreciate to connect the midi keyboard.


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