Seaside Groove (Piano, Bass Guitar, Guitar, Drums)

• Jun 21, 2011 - 01:19

My second shot at composing a short piece using MuseScore. Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.

Attachment Size
Seaside Groove.mscz 6.4 KB


I like all of your underlying themes, and it is good to see that they are properly developed and linked together, unlike much band music I hear (even my own!).
I agree with the idea of the guitars forming the main theme, or outlines, with the piano "shading in", but I personally think the piano could be made to perhaps sound a little fuller, being a pianist myself.
My only other critiscism is that I feel the drums could be varied more to add tension and climax, and then add an air of calm, so as to make the piece more varied in its dynamic.
Otherwise, a very good piece, keep it up!

Hope that helped,

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