From Vivaldi Gold to musescore

• Apr 22, 2012 - 17:31

Hi is it possible to translate Vivaldigold SP3 files into an other format or does anyone know how to create from a SP3file into any other musicscore file, that in turm would be compatible with musescore? (other than midi.)
It seems that vivaldi is out of buisness - so maybe some of you might have the skill and contacts that would make Vivaldi SP3 files accessible for musescore or other programs?
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MIDI is definitely not a good solution indeed. There are a couple of ways to go.

The standard format for music notation interchange is MusicXML. It seems that Vivaldi can't export to MusicXML. So back to square one.

First, if there is a big corpus of files, one may want to reverse engineer the SP3 format and make a SP3 to MusicXML converter. I doubt the corpus is big since it's the first time I heard about this software :) but I might be wrong.

Another way, if Vivaldi can export to PDF is to use PDFToMusic Pro. This software is specifically designed to make a MusicXML file out of a PDF *generated* from a music notation software. It will not work on a scan or an image but can work remarkably well on PDF generated from a music notation software. PDFToMusic Pro is not free but you can get a free trial online.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I tried this but my Vivaldi programm gets stuck creating the pdf - some inernal error :) Maybe it'll work an other time. Thank you.
Funny the the sister of Vivaldi gold is Vivaldi scan. There you can export XML.... but the scan is only good one voice at a time (really good!) So maybe i'll have to scan voice by voice (18 Voices 189 mesures). It'll keep me buisy for a while.

Maybe they've stopped developing the software but someone appears to be updating their web page as it says it runs under all Windows versions except Visat and 7. I downloaded it just now and ran it on my ubuntu machine under WINE. Unfortunately the help file does say that MIDI files "are the only means of transferring data between different music programs". Do you have any pieces created by Vivaldi that you could upload for analysis? (the free download version doesn't let me Save files).

In reply to by Daniel von Sie…

"The maximum upload size is 2 MB. Only files with the following extensions may be uploaded: jpg jpeg gif png txt doc xls pdf ppt pps odt ods odp xml mxl msc mscz mscx mscz, mscx, ts mid midi ly zip eps patch svg ove drm mss cap."

Compress and attach the file as a .ZIP file.

In reply to by Daniel von Sie…

"The maximum upload size is 2 MB. Only files with the following extensions may be uploaded: jpg jpeg gif png txt doc xls pdf ppt pps odt ods odp xml mxl msc mscz mscx mscz, mscx, ts mid midi ly zip eps patch svg ove drm mss cap."

Compress and attach the file as a .ZIP file.

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