A movement for chamber orchestra: Sinfonyeti

• Jul 15, 2012 - 23:06

It's me again. This is the sketch of my last piece of music. After the 6/8 part to retake the main patterns,
i think ending with a Finale more slow, with more virtuosism for the woodwinds and the guitar.
What do you think of it? Let me know about it.

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Sinfonyeti.mscz 14.74 KB


In reply to by AdrianFlute

You're educated, but that`s the idea, to critizise each other. I think it more easy to make music by formula, they are all written. But in my opinion art is to do other thing: to try sounds combinations until it sounds expresive for oneself, like trying and making mistakes, not sound good to sound different. See you!

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