Trouble writing in 9/8

• Sep 12, 2013 - 16:44

I'm scoring a tune in 9/8 time. Of course, the template defaults to the usual 3 groups of 3 eighth notes.
The composition is very much grouped 4 then 5 in feel; would be much easier to read/understand if written as a beamed group of 4 eighth notes then a beamed group of 5 eighth notes. I can't seem to alter the score to reflect this. Any thoughts/suggestions? Thanks in advance.


Until the adjustment of beam groups is fully supported you need to do it manually. You can speed thins up by assigning a shortcut to different beam actions. I have \ assigned to Beam Mid and - to Beam Start. I can then enter the notes and then go back over the score using the arrow keys and press \ or - to groups the beams as I want them.

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