Implementing Tutorial System Would...

• Dec 15, 2009 - 03:13

Implementing tutorial system would greatly increase the range of possible users for Musescore. That way, even people with NO musical notation experience, could view/watch/follow the tutorials, and get a great start of music notation. All of the know hows to music notation, built right into a step by step system. Additionally, even some music composers do not fully know the full capabilities of music notation, and they could browse the tutorials, and learn something/s that they didn't know before. I believe that if a tutorial system was implemented, much praise would arise and everyone could fully utilize your ambitious program.

--Collin Kindred


Hi Collin,

Are you thinking about textual or video tutorials, or even a mixture? Do you see this tutorial system inside the actual software or would be a good place for this? Could this be a collaborative initiative or do you think it should be controlled by one or a group of people?

Personally, I think with the current adoption of MuseScore, the time could be right to start experimenting with a tutorial system. Lasconic has made a short video tutorial yesterday and hopefully it can inspire more people to create similar tutorials. How do you think this can be further promoted?

In reply to by xavierjazz

Loading the videos on YouTube is indeed a must, but what about promoting the idea to create screencast tutorials for MuseScore. How can we find & motivate someone to create the storyboards and produce the actual screencast? It seems to me that with the current adoption of MuseScore, we could even think about high quality video tutorials which can be made by a professional and sponsored through advertising.

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