Using play panel
I often use the Play Panel to set a loop for 1-2 measures to check out different comping rhythms. So, my frustration concerns the fact that a play cursor jumps first to the beginning of the score then jumps to a loop in marker causing the whole score to jerk, and, I guess this jumping creates some delay, so the loop doesn't keep time. And this jumping also jerks the sound.
Also, if the last note of the loop is a note of a triplet it is not possible to set a loop out marker on this note - it goes into the next measure, so the loop doesn't play correctly. So, there are 3 in 1 unpleasant problems with the Play Panel.
to loop a few bars, I do not take the playpanel. I simply mark the area to be repeated and then press the "Toggle loop playback" button in the toolbar. This also works for looping within a triplet. And without delay.
Greetings, Pentatonus
In reply to Hello, to loop a few bars, I… by [DELETED] 1307581
OK. Now two problems can be avoided, but two others - jerking of the score and sound - are still there.
In reply to OK. Now two problems can be… by Adalbi Atskanov
Which version of MuseScore do you use and on which operating system? Can you also attach a sample score?
In reply to Which version of MuseScore… by [DELETED] 1307581
OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 148e43f
In attached file select 9-10 measures.
In reply to OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch… by Adalbi Atskanov
I think that the "jump to the beginning of the score" effect you see is because that is where the "written out" version of the repeated drum pattern is located. If I copy and past that to measure 9 I don't see any jump when looping measures 9 and 10. It appears as if MuseScore has to position the cursor to re-read the pattern before it plays the loop. However, I don't know what actually goes on behind the scenes during loop playback.
In reply to OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch… by Adalbi Atskanov
Ok, i'm on Linux Mint 19.3 with MuseScore 3.4.2 and in my case, there is no issue with looping your score.
See this video:…