A First Composition With MuseScore

• Jun 4, 2014 - 01:32

Hey everyone, the forum doesn't seem to be wildly active, but I just downloaded MuseScore and to show how much I like it, I decided I'd post a small score. I guess you can call it a Soliloquy, maybe not! I don't know, it's a one piano piece, written with only the most basic of music theory knowledge! Enjoy! Also critique if you've a knack for helping compositions... after all it's a bit discordant isn't it?

Soliloquy #1 by scoopdjm


In reply to by StrangeJohn

Pretty good, I especially like what you did with measures 9-18, they sound much more interesting. The ending chord is really discordant though, and the beginning of the piece is a little confused I think. On the whole though, I think you've made it sound much better!

Well done.

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