Page Template

• Sep 5, 2020 - 22:57

Is there any way to create a music page template that has 6 lines per page and 7 measures per line?
I've been working with this for two hours now and can't figure it out. This seems basic to me, but can't see where/how to do this. The reason I need this is that I want to practice 7th cords in less than the traditional way, so I'd like to make practice sheets for that purpose.

Thanks in advance for any help.


In reply to by thegrouchypia

To achieve the requested layout it appears that underquark

a) added a system break every 7 bars.

If you have a measure selected (or a note within the measure selected) you can add one by clicking System Break—it's the first item in the Breaks and Systems palette.

b) added a Staff Spacer to each line (located at the start of every line.)

One can control the number of staves per page by increasing or decreasing the Format>Style>Page>Staff-spacing. When adjusting Staff-spacing one can cause a staff/system to flow automatically between pages, as space availability changes.

Alternately I think properties exist for achieving such a result with far less manual effort.

Here I paraphrase a comment by a colleague also trying MuseScore in the last couple of weeks:

"You can tidily and uniformly design the basic layout of a score with various MuseScore properites. For instance, vertical spacing layout parameters are found in Format>Style>Page."

After three weeks with impressive MuseScore I’m just learning about layout options. I’ll be interested to see if there are properties like “systems per page” or “measures per line” and if it’s possible to govern the scope.

Regarding the original question it would be nice to have “Staff distance” linked to its logical complimentary property. In other words:

• one could prioritize "Systems per Page" and MuseScore would set “Staff spacing” accordingly.
• by default, i.e. what we currently have in MuseScore, “Staff spacing” determines the number of systems per page.


In reply to by thegrouchypia

I created a new score, added a few measures (one less than necessary as it transpires). I entered a System break every 7 measures. I used Spacers because it was fairly quick to do for one page and I could select all of them at once and alter the spacing and see the results in real time.

The better way for a larger score is:
Format >Add/Remove System Breaks: Break systems every 7 bars.
Format >Style >Page >(adjust stave spacings).

There is often more than one way of achieving the same result
The Handbook has details:

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