New to all this

• Feb 3, 2021 - 23:07

I just tried Musescore 3.6 for the first time. I have o a very rudimentary knowledge of reading let alone writing music but out of curiousity I opened a new score and tried adding a couple of instruments without reading anything at all. To my surprise almost everything was delightfully intuitive and writing a page with piano and guitar played back as if I knew what I was doing and printing a pdf was child's play. It is clearly capable of more sophistication than I would ever need but I have come away thinking it's perfect for the simpler tasks as well. That is not always true of software capable of complex tasks.

Of course I struggled a bit with editing, navigating my way around etc. when I tired to do more but the important thing was that I have the confidence and motivation to continue. It feels and looks great and is a tribute to all the developers and testers etc. I may even start reading some documentation!

I know this is all old hat to you seasoned users but I wasn't sure where else to express my thanks and admiration.


I'm also only a seasoned user, not more, not less, but thanks for your comment. And indeed, reading the handbook is really a good start to get familar with the application :-).

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