Real "Real Time" writing

• May 22, 2021 - 22:32

Hi all,
This is my very fist post on this community.
I start by giving thanks for this fantastic notation software.

It is almost perfect.
Almost perfect because it really needs a real "Real time MIDI keyboard controller" input tool /function.
Before someone says that MuseScore already allows that, please let me explain why it does not.
What I mean by real time is simply this:

  1. Define your project settings /tempo and all any other relevant elements to your composition.
  2. Choose your preferred instrument stave for start writing.
  3. Activate the metronome (if you need it).
  4. Start RECORD (Muse Score does not have this option).
  5. Play along your MIDI keyboard controller and record that instrument "stave" part.
  6. Quantize it (if you need to.)
  7. And there you have your notation (for that instrument) written in real time (by playing it).

This is what real time writing (using a MIDI keyboard controller) is.
No need to constantly alternate /choose between note division values.
Please consider adding this and make MuseScore even more perfect for real-time player /composers.

Much appreciated for taking the time.


In reply to by jeetee

I'm not sure I understand your question.
It is all about the tool one prefers to use and how fast one can obtains results.

Some people use a pen to write.
Others use typewriter machines.
Using a Word processors it is now "second nature".
Dictating to the computer it is also a good way of getting long texts very fast.

If you carefully analyze the above examples its easy to understand that each new method improved over its predecessor.

Many of us prefer to use the MIDI keyboard controller (piano keyboard) to compose in real time.
When it becomes necessary to use the PC QWERTY keyboard for simply change the notes division, then that's not real time and a MIDI keyboard controller (piano keyboard) becomes only an aesthetic tool that takes considerable room-space, needs maintenance and the quality ones, are not cheap. So better to use the MuseScore (P) shortcut and get-on with it but please do not call it "real-time" by any stretch on imagination.

Real time presupposes to listen the music "playing" while composing in the moment.
The same way that writing words is not talking in real-time.
Writing words is only a way to "register" spoken words.

Sure, I can always compose in my DAW (Digital Work Station) in real "real-time" and then export to MuseScore via MIDI (if needed) but the whole idea was to avoid that if MuseScore offered such option.

In reply to by Ben_Martin

What I was commenting on is that if you use the semi-real-time option that already exists and set the duration to the quantization value, what is still missing then?
Using that mode you never have to change duration shortcuts.

And I believe the answer would be: don't stop the metronome and force you to use a shortcut to enter rests. Correct? Everything else you wrote seems to be there already to me.

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