My measures won't delete!!

• May 23, 2021 - 19:51

I have recently begun using Musescore 3 on my MacBook and I am experiencing serious difficulty!

While I am confident in creating guitar tab/chords etc , I am unable to remove measures! For instance, I have created simple tab for a number of measures, but then, there are lots of measures unused and left over.

When I try to delete them, I am unable to do so!!

I have tried everything: selecting the measures and pressing command and backspace, using tools and remove selected range, nothing works!! I’ve checked online and everything I do seems to indicate it should work, but it doesn’t!

Is this a bug with Musescore 3? I’d be very grateful for some assistance please!!


Some Mac users have report that the shortcut sometimes can fail; but the menu option always work.

Can you attach the score here (the .mscz file) and tell us exactly what to do to see the issue. (Don't tell us to "select the measures", but tell us where to click and/or which keys to press to do so).

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