Repeat to a part in a different Key

• Aug 12, 2021 - 18:30

In the score I am working on, I have a repeat where the key changes from E Major to e Minor. I would like to indicate this change of key at the end of the last measure in the first volta (printed measure 26 in the attached example as the first measure is not included in the count), so you are made aware of this change when returning to measure 3.
Maybe a more correct way of doing it would be to set the changing key in measure 3, but doing that will place it as seen in the example - at the end of measure 2.
I have looked around, but cannot find any hints of how to do this. Is it possible to achieve this in Musescore.
This is actually the first time ever, I have not been able to solve a problem in Musescore. You have made a fantastic application; thank you so much all for all your effort.

Attachment Size
ProblemExample.mscz 35.73 KB


Here's one way:
Set the key signature change to the final measure (i.e., volta 2), then uncheck 'Automatic placement' in the Inspector and then 'slide' the key signature left across the repeat barline -- using the X offset in the Inspector.
Make the accidentals in the volta invisible.


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