Stuck Loading, Won't Start, Crashes on Loading

• Aug 21, 2021 - 21:14

I just downloaded and installed, but the program cannot get past the loading screen. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times. It keeps trying to reload the crashed session. Even on a fresh install, it would try to reload the previous session. I downloaded Revo Uninstaller to make sure the uninstall was more thorough.

I found an old post (#310166 ) about disabling the Start Center. After uninstalling with Revo, I was able to get the program to open and I was able to disable the Start Center, but upon closing the program and restarting it, it loaded a blank piece of Sheet Music and then froze on that screen. I also tried opening the program by loading a piece of sheet music I downloaded from the MuseScore website, but that also froze. Please help- I'm extremely frustrated.


In reply to by Jm6stringer

I think I figured it out. I managed to get it started when I was running it with reverted Factory Settings, but any time I tried to interact with a fresh piece or open any sheet music, everything would freeze. I'm not sure which of these things fixed it, but I turned of the Splash, Startup Center, Automatic Updates, and disabled my midi devices. Now it seems to be okay. Thank you!!

In reply to by Robert Wren

Does your second monitor have a different screen size and resolution?
Is it, for instance, a television screen?

Before introducing even more potential obstacles...
...try this:
Shut down your computer (not merely sleep, not hibernate).
Now, keeping any MIDI interfaces, any headsets (esp. those with microphones), any bluetooth audio hardware, any audio software, any multiple monitors, any YouTube favorites, etc. dormant...
(A printer is OK as MuseScore looks for paper size used.)
Re-start Windows.
Click on the desktop icon to open MuseScore.
Does it open, or do you get the 'Not Responding' message?
If necessary, revert to factory settings and disable start center, telemetry, updates in Edit -> Preferences.

Can you get MuseScore to run under the simplest environment possible?
Can it open by clicking on a MuseScore .mscz file like this one: Test.mscz

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