Strange Message from Musescore 3.6.2 64 bit

• Mar 13, 2022 - 14:25

I need help to get rid of the following strange message which appears launching Musescore 3.6.2 (64 bit)
See attached screenshot , which is in italian and sounds as follows :
>>Cannot find the entry point PaWasapi_GetDeviceMixFormat of the procedure
in the dynamic link library Portaudio.dll <<
This happens today after I had installed "VoicemeeterProSetup.exe" to try. But I have uninstalled because
didn't understand how to use it , and I have cleaned the Registry and tried to uninstall and re-install Musescore
... but the message is always there. After that , Musescore starts and seems to work normally , but it is
an annoying message i would delete. .................

Attachment Size
Warning Musescore 3.jpg 41.71 KB


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